Author Archive

Thor? Me too.

Thor? Me too.
Sorry for the pun, but over the weekend, like you do, I did a Q&A with Tom Hiddleston and director Joanna Hogg about their film ‘Archipelago’, Hogg’s second feature that has been described as a horror film, a drama and a comedy all rolled into one but starring the British upper middle classes. I can say that because I am not of that eschelon, although that is where I date. Wouldn’t you know that Mr Hiddleston – lanky,... 

Winslet Homme-less

Winslet Homme-less
Kate Winslet says it’s fine that she’s without a husband – namely this time Sam Mendes because, I mean, really – and she says that her singletonness is quite empowering. That’s power with an m. And that’s after seven years. High five, sistah! Whatever you say, don’t call her lonely or she’ll punch you in the face. Kate, who finished the TV series Mildred Pierce, with director Steven Soderbergh‘s... 

The Cinema Tonight, London 4/3/11

The Cinema Tonight, London 4/3/11
‘Unknown’: yes, Liam Neeson awakens from a coma to find his identity stolen. With the feel of his hit ‘Taken’, Neeson is terrific in this flawed thriller by director Jaune Collet-Serra (‘Orphan’). Diane Kruger, January Jones, Aidan Quin and the uber-wunderbar Bruno Ganz co-star. This is co-pick of the week along with… ‘The Adjustment Bureau’, a science fiction film that is almost there as a brilliant work, as expected because it... 

Damon as Assange: blonde highlights

Damon as Assange: blonde highlights
Amid shocking allegations that Wikileaks’ chappie Julian Assange was probably not an ordinary guy to date given his dating profile from the 2000s – like, OUT there – comes less exciting news that Matt Damon – father, husband, actor, politico and Jason Bourne sometimes – is in the lead to play the almost Albino Aussie in DreamWorks upcoming biopic of said bloke. Wouldn’t that require a lot of bleach, or at least... 

Scarlett, no!

Scarlett, no!
Despite Spielberg grabbing the Wikileaks film rights, Daniel Radcliffe being ‘bought out’ at the theatre in order to promote the final leg of Harry Potter – and Warner Bros complaining that they had to spend $500K to get him out of his theatre dates (boo hoo), the real news is trashy, weird and personal. Or not. Sean Penn, a high mileage 50, and Scarlett Johansson, an experienced 26, have jetted off to Mehicko for a brief tete-a-tete.... 

Joan Collins Strangled

Joan Collins Strangled
One must suffer to be beautiful. That’s what the French say. And so our very own Joan Collins – the UK’s version of Liz Taylor – has revealed that, yes, she fainted and went to hospital because her gown was a size 0 when it should have been a 6 or something like that. She’s just saying it was a ‘very tight’ Oscar frock, the kind that contricts like a boa. And not a feather boa. Now 77 years young, the former... 

Broadcast News; you buried the lead

Broadcast News; you buried the lead
This man is the devil. If you see the 8 times Oscar nominated classic comedy ‘Broadcast News’ – now available in a new Criterion Collection DVD with extra added extras and more extras and undeleted scenes – you’ll know why William Hurt as Tom Grunick is evil – he’s evil like that guy/gal you know who’ll do anything to further their career but seem as if they’re all nice about it. Maybe that person’s... 

The Golden Guy

The Golden Guy
  If you saw the Oscar show last night, you’ll know who won, but here’s a list – with a few thoughts – which will make you look like an expert movie watcher. As for that terrible question of where to put your Golden Guy, well, Bette Davis, Jodie Foster, Susan Sarandon and Kate Winslet all stuck theirs in the loo. Food for thought? Best Art Direction Robert Stromberg, Karen O’Hara ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Despite... 

Oscar Hosts? Ha!

Oscar Hosts? Ha!
Were they boring? Or is it really a question of ‘how boring were they on a scale of 1-2?’ Let’s put it this way: The Oscars weren’t boring if you were waiting for an award, but, overall, the hosting duo of Anne Hathaway and James Franco – who tweeted throughout – was about as funny as a crotch, I mean, crutch. But don’t blame them: blame the often poisoned chalice that is hosting the Oscars. Only the best... 

Whole Lotta Gingham Going On

Whole Lotta Gingham Going On
First there was ‘True Grit’ and now there’s Michelle Williams wth a gun and a bonnet heading the upcoming look-at-them-settlers-go gingham western film ‘Meek’s Cutoff’ which stars more guns, 3 conestoga wagons, 3 brace o’ oxen and no yeller hog… Ahem. Now that I’ve re-written the lyrics to ‘Sweet Betsy From Pike’, let me remind you that this lengthy real-time tribute to the immigrants... 
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